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It's Christmas Eve & Cane is feeling useless: What exactly is his role in this icon & tradition-rich holiday? Luckily, with the help of his frosty friend, Snoey, he learns to symbolize the most important gift of all: kindness.


Children 4-8 years old & older will enjoy this heartwarming & original Christmas tale about one of the greatly overlooked holiday icons, the candy cane. The glory of Christmas will be elevated as readers follow Cane desperately struggle with his identity & purpose. At bookstores & Amazon.

How The Candy Cane Got Its Stripes - Tony Weeks
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Artist - JiHyun Kim, Asasa

Writer - Scott Casperson

Scott comes from an advertising account management background before trying his hand at other things including hospitality, early education & comedy. Now, he’s channeling that creativity & wonderment into children’s books. Though he has files brimming with ideas & half-started stories, How The Candy Cane Got Its Stripes was his first printed work. He’s honored to have you join us on this adventure & thanks you immensely for the support.

Asasa majored in oriental painting. She has had work in the Korean Prime Minister's national silk design competition twice as well as contributed artwork for language textbooks & a famous Seoul landmark. Her character designs have also been picked for presentation at illustrator & character fairs. How The Candy Cane Got Its Stripes will be Asasa’s seventh published work.

Asasa는  한국의 일러스트레이터입니다.

그녀는 동양화를 전공하였고 진주실크대회 입상을 2차례 하였습니다.

한글가온길 일러스트 작업을 하였고 여러 일러스트작업을 하였습니다.

코엑스 북페어와 캐릭터페어에 참여하였고

Asasa의 캐릭터를 이용한 인형을 제작하기도 하였습니다.

그리고 "어떻게 캔디캐인이 줄무늬 옷을 입게 되었을까?"는 Asasa의 7번째 동화책입니다.

이 책은 미국에서의 첫번째 동화책입니다.

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